Fatima Matar is a lawyer, law professor, and an activist from Kuwait. After speaking out against human rights…
Ryan Messer is the sort of successful, interesting, down-to-Earth human I could talk to for endless hours if I…
Karen Walrond has been many things in her life—a lawyer, speaker, photographer, author, leadership consultant, and a…
Reesha Howard considers her family to be something of a unicorn—they’re a homeschooling, Black, vegan, Christian…
As a veteran on-air meteorologist, Paul Goodloe has reported from the scenes of blizzards, floods, fires and…
Gastor Almonte is an East New York comedian. In Immigrant Made, his debut standup album, he tells stories about what…
Mike Adamick has a message for his fellow dads: Sexism exists, and if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part…
Lucy Knisley has made a career out of sketching her life. Her latest graphic novel Kid Gloves details her difficult…
Austin Kleon doesn’t glamorize creative work. It’s hard. (Hence, the “work.”) But the bestselling author has found…
Dan Pashman is the host of The Sporkful, a podcast about food and the people who eat it. Over the years, the dad of…
Daniel Pink is the bestselling author of several game-changing books about behavior, motivation and organizations,…
Nefertiti Austin is the single mother of two children she adopted from the foster care system. Her memoir, “Motherhoo…
The moment I first became a believer in the power of Daniel Tiger happened when my daughter was 3. She was on a…
On topics from under-boob sweat to Mayochup, Emily Flake has a lot to say. Or, rather, draw. The award-winning…
Loretta Stokes is a senior software engineering manager and a mentor for female engineers through her work with the W…
Erica Galos Alioto is a former lawyer who changed careers and began working for Yelp when it had just 15 employees.…
(Hillary Frank is the creator, former host and executive producer of the popular parenting podcast, The Longest…
Tia Mowry is an actress who is widely known for her role as Tia Landry in the 1990s sitcom Sister, Sister. She will…
Kurt Gies is in his fourth season with the Philadelphia 76ers, currently working as the team’s Senior Social Media…
Miriam Daniel is one of the creative minds behind Amazon’s Echo (the voice-controlled speaker) and Alexa (the…