Eh, who cares? He’s not an athlete competing in a sport, he’s an actor. You seem to be stigmatizing the use of steroids, which is a bit derogatory. I hit a wall when bulking up when I was younger, so I used gear to break through. Read more
Eh, who cares? He’s not an athlete competing in a sport, he’s an actor. You seem to be stigmatizing the use of steroids, which is a bit derogatory. I hit a wall when bulking up when I was younger, so I used gear to break through. Read more
how much you lift bro? Read more
Do you have anything to say about the actual content of the article or just complain about the author? Read more
First time reader eh Read more
For a while I lived near an Aldi in an impoverished neighborhood. There was literally always someone standing around in the parking lot asking to return people’s carts for them so they could keep the quarter. So in a sense these people were “working” for Aldi, or at least replacing the labor Aldi won’t hire, but with n… Read more
On behalf of UK shoppers I would like to thank Germany for Aldi and Lidl :) They’ve given our domestic supermarkets a well-deserved kick in the pants.
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I shop Aldi every week and often other customers will pay it forward and offer me or another shopper their empty shopping cart after unloading their groceries. Read more
It really doesn’t matter, working out with sore muscles or DOMS isn’t good nor bad Read more
I know it’s called “defrost” but living in a climate that doesn’t get frost often, I consider the defrost button my defog button. I don’t know if it’s using heat or AC, I’ve always just hit that button and the fog goes away pretty quickly.
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It’s good to know in case your car doesn’t, but I believe most cars A/C automatically starts when the defrost is on. Read more
Yes. Meal prep is not necessarily “scratch cooking every single food you will consume that week,” it just means that you aren’t floundering around trying to figure out what to eat on the fly. I eat a LOT of frittatas, deli wraps/sandwiches and taco salads, because the “prep” for a week’s worth of meals is about 30… Read more
It took me a while to learn how to be lazy. Read more
I bought a cheap pair of Nikes when I decided I wanted to try running. They worked fine. Then when I decided I was going to become A Runner, I went ahead and got fitted for a more expensive pair. I think I lucked out with my store because after doing the 3D scan and walk test, the fitter just brought out a few pairs… Read more