Rachel Fairbank
Rachel Fairbank is a freelance science writer based in Texas. When she is not writing, she can be found spending time with her family, or at her local boxing gym.

some of the potential signs that your cat might need dental care include: Read more


“have you ever seen the space shuttle take off? Yes? Well YOU are the space shuttle.” Read more


Ahh farts are always funny lol.  It’s funny I had gastric sleeve surgery about a year and a half ago and I have been farting like a buffalo ever since LOL. Read more


I was recently at the doctor for a routine physical. I overheard a woman tell the receptionist she was there for a covid test. The woman then proceeded to sit down next to me with her mask under her nose. I got up, moved across the room, and stood there for the rest of my wait as there were no available seats. I put Read more


Cataract extraction used to involve days in the hospital at absolute bed rest and not moving your head. Now, you have the procedure in the morning, wear an eye patch till the next morning and then you can SEE! It’s astonishing how much it improves your sight. It reminded me of the Wizard of Oz when things turn from Read more


I noticed difficulty driving at night several years ago. Last year, I discovered that it was simply not safe for me to drive at night due to reduced visual acuity: lack of enough light. So, I stopped driving at night and scheduled an eye exam, which confirmed bilateral cataracts. In April 2022, I had two cataract Read more


Good article as follow up, what to consider before changing to a job that is fully remote, as I know a friend going from partial work from home to full time work from home.
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What if he’s not a billionaire, but just a big fuckin’ herb? Read more


Because I had three kids. I worked up until the second they were born.” Read more


One additional thing that I think is very important is use that time to understand pain points your boss has. If you know what your boss is trying to figure out then you can tailor your work to try to answer those questions. It also helps to get a general understanding of those sorts of things so you can try and Read more


Prevention isn’t the actual intent of the procedure — it’s early detection and the earlier commencement of treatment. It’s exactly why pre-cancerous polyps are usually removed during the procedure itself. It also sets a baseline condition of “everything’s OK as of this date” so that if future conditions develop, Read more


Know your family history. Talk to your parents and see if they’ve had any polyps. If they have had large ones you should be screened at 40 instead of 45. Try to get information on how their colonoscopies went and relay that information to your PCP, they should be able to see the guidelines to determine if you should Read more


I just turned 45 and the doctor sent me for a colonoscopy. The procedure itself was super quick and painless, I slept the whole time. However the prep and shitting the whole day was not. Make sure you start the laxatives early enough so that you don’t spend half the night in the bathroom Read more


when I think of ARM’s I think of my daughter’s soccer coach who had a magnificent home built and then moved out of it almost 5 years to the day that he moved into it because as he told everyone, they preferred to be in a smaller place where they could have more mad money, but the timing and some comments by his Read more


Yeah, this. Sometimes I even had the homework done, in my folder, and still didn’t turn it in. I genuinely have no idea what the hell was wrong with me. :) Read more


This works for me on stress headaches but not any others. The kind where it is is a band of pain wrapped around your head, not the deep, stabby kind of pain. It’s really a relaxation technique more than anything else: Read more


a guy I went to college with had this and eventually had to get letters from neurologists to be waived of the college math requirement as he just could not do alegebra; they allowed him to take nursing dosages math course instead. Read more


I’ve been an “urban chicken farmer” for ... 11 years. Just some things to note from my experiences: build a secure coop & run using a fine gauge hardware cloth to wrap everything up (raccoons can tear through chicken wire like tissue paper). Chickens poop. A LOT. Get used to it... and keep this in consideration if you Read more
