How Much You Should Pay Your Babysitter in 2020, Based on Where You Live

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Image for article titled How Much You Should Pay Your Babysitter in 2020, Based on Where You Live
Graphic: UrbanSitter

Every year, UrbanSitter releases results of its study of more than 25,000 families across the United States that helps determine the average hourly babysitting rate (by major city). And every year, the average hourly cost inches up and parents cringe, but we have to admit our babysitters deserve it.

The national hourly average for babysitters in 2020 is $17.73 per hour for one child; $20.30 per hour for two kids; and $21.49 per hour for three kids. That’s up nearly a dollar from 2019's average rate of $16.75 per hour for one child (and $19.26 for two).

Of course, prices will vary based on where you live. San Francisco continues to reign as the Most Expensive City To Hire A Babysitter, coming in at $19.74 per hour for one child this year. Las Vegas is the cheapest city for the second year in a row, at just $10.95 per hour for one child.


Unsurprisingly, UrbanSitter also found that 79% of parents say that childcare is one of their biggest family expenses. And while 69% think childcare providers should earn more than minimum wage (we know how much work these kids are!), 31% said that, even so, they don’t know how they’ll afford it.


This year, for extra fun (or so I assume), UrbanSitter also asked parents under which circumstances they would NOT hire a sitter based on his or her political views. Parents said:

  • Sitter supports the opposing 2020 candidate—16%
  • Sitter has a bumper sticker of the opposing 2020 candidate on her car—20%
  • Sitter arrives wearing clothing/hat of the opposing candidate—40%
  • Sitter talks politics with your kids, attempting to sway or slander the candidate you support—63%
  • Nothing—all’s fair in elections and babysitting—34%

I don’t know, those all seem low to me, but to each their own.

The most important thing is: When you find a babysitter you like, your kids like, and who is reliable? Treat ‘em well and make sure you’re at least paying them the average for your area.


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