Hearts and flowers are weak. Tour a sewage plant instead.
It's harder to ruin New Year's Eve than other holidays, but that doesn't mean it's impossible.
As your chances of items arriving this week run out, it's time to go for "the thought that counts."
Why does Santa dress that way? Are Christmas trees really pagan? And what's the deal with the manger, anyway?
Don't chose a last-minute gift card that is so obviously a last-minute gift.
There is no wrong donation, but some ideas are better than others.
Does it really count as screen time if Santa is involved?
These are the last dates you can ship packages via USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon (and more) to arrive by Christmas Eve.
Also: When will the Festival of Lights take place in 2022?
Putting sugar in the water is not helping like you think it is.
You can elevate your gift-wrapping game in a more sustainable way.
No one wants to spend the holidays in the ER waiting room.
The holiday season provides the perfect cover to dispose of your reusable bag collection.
Use paper, string, and even flowers to craft a tree for your holiday celebration.
These steal-worthy gifts are the perfect ratio of charm to cringe.
They won't get to open a present, but all of these digital gifts are extremely convenient.
It can be hard to pick out books for avid readers—choose a book-adjacent gift instead.
This time of year is all about giving to others; don't screw it up again.
We have diplomatic suggestions, and petty ones. Take your pick.
An impractically large bow makes any gift a little more fun.