Although they're similar, these types of credit aren't the same.
Reap the rewards of all your hard work getting that score up—without causing it to drop back down.
An itemized bill will help you spot mistakes, which you may have noticed are pretty common.
Lenders use it to approve mortgages, so you might as well know how it works, too.
The SBA's portal can process loan forgiveness claims in less than 72 hours.
See how your own spending habits stack up against super-prime borrowers.
With a foreclosure ban expiring in August, you might need the extra relief.
Loan servicing issues have made another extension more likely.
Learn these temporary foreclosure requirements to protect yourself.
The Biden administration has forgiven debt for students misled by their schools.
You might be familiar with the idea of a singular credit score, but there’s actually two major credit score…
With the United States’ total student debt bill on a perpetual climb every year, and now totaling a staggering $1.5…