Daniel Tiger Will Soon Help Toddlers Understand the Pandemic

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Little kids have been able to look to many heroes for guidance during the coronavirus pandemic. Sesame Street came through early on with a virtual pandemic playdate with Elmo and a COVID-19 town hall with CNN. LeVar Burton read to us. The New York Times’ science reporter even answered kids’ questions. But finally, everyone’s favorite wholesome animal crew is coming to explain the impossible to our toddlers and preschoolers as Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood kicks off its fifth season season with a COVID-19 special and a week’s worth of new episodes.

The season begins Aug. 17 with a “Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood: Won’t You Sing Along with Me?” special that will help address the challenges little kids are facing during the pandemic.

During the special, Daniel learns the annual neighborhood carnival has been cancelled. He has to cope with missing people he loves, learn how to keep himself and others healthy, and try to make the most of the extra time at home with his family. Basically, Daniel is all of us right now.


Five new episodes of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood will also be released the week of Aug. 17, but King Friday will lift the quarantine on the Neighborhood of Make-Believe pretty quickly: In those episodes, unrelated to the pandemic, Daniel will experience having a substitute teacher for the first time, Prince Wednesday will spill some paint on the floor, and there will be a broken kite, a fire drill, and a lot of time will be spent trying to wait patiently for something. Garden-variety Daniel, if you will.


The episodes will premiere on PBS stations nationwide (check local listings), the PBS KIDS 24/7 channel and on PBS KIDS digital platforms.

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