Even if your state doesn't require proof, a private business might.
"A lot of people feel almost gaslit, because we’re just moving forward and acting like it didn’t happen."
Whether you have lingering COVID anxiety or concerns about social awkwardness, you can ease back into regular life.
For over a year now, the work-from-home lifestyle has become the norm for many Americans, requiring us to retrofit…
Across the U.S., millions of shots of the three COVID-19 vaccines are going into arms each day even as the disease…
Martial arts studios, gyms, dojos, academies—whatever you want to call them—have suffered like most other in-person b…
The past year has taken us on quite the face mask journey, going from shortages, to DIY creations, to having options…
Getting an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine is hard enough, but for some people, that’s only the first of many…
Whether you’re someone who inexplicably felt comfortable dining indoors during the pandemic (when that was an…
By now, we’ve been keeping 6 feet apart from other people (or at least been instructed to do so) for almost a year.…
There is no better season than Girl Scout cookie season. Now is the time to re-up on your favorite fund-raising…
The unchecked spread of COVID-19 has likely meant that your life has decisively fewer options than before. In the…
When COVID-19 emerged and grew into a pandemic in March, most of us weren’t thinking about the potential disruption…
As COVID-19 vaccines transition from the hypothetical to the actual, with Pfizer seeking an emergency use…
Getting married is already one of the most stressful things you can spend thousands of dollars subjecting yourself…
Despite the accelerating pace of the COVID-19 pandemic across the United States, millions of people are traveling…
Eight months into the global pandemic, COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are surging at unprecedented levels.…
If you’re still planning to go to some kind of in-person Thanksgiving event, otherwise known as a COVID feast, I’m…
Since March, people throughout the world have been living within at least two separate spheres of reality. One…
Has anyone managed to sleep this week? As in, gotten into bed, closed their eyes, and stayed asleep for more than 37…