Every residence can now order up to eight tests, total.
How and where you store a rapid test can impact its effectiveness.
Even the best mask doesn't help much if it leaks air around the sides.
Just what we need to end the pandemic: three masks each.
Fake COVID testing websites and operations are popping up all over the country.
It turns out they will be mailing them out, after all.
People are more at risk for COVID complications if they have several.
It's all over the headlines, but it may not even be a real variant.
No, there isn't a scary new mutant virus. It's still worth getting your flu shot anyway.
The CDC now recommends boosters for kids ages 12 and up.
A throat swab “is going to be right some of the time, but what percentage of the time is it wrong?”
Experts recommend still getting your booster dose, rather than relying on natural immunity.
Experts say that your old cloth masks simply aren't enough to fight Omicron.
As long as symptoms are gone, COVID-19 patients need only isolate for five days, CDC says.
When done correctly, it's a classic—and effective—technique for reducing the spread of infectious disease indoors.
There's been a setback in the latest clinical trial.
We've got good news, and we've got bad news. And then more good news, and more bad news.
If you're forced to quarantine abroad beyond your planned stay, it's probably going to cost you.
Until now, they've only been for people ages 18 and up.
New data on Omicron suggests boosters are more important than ever.