Do you know what Zoom-bombing is? Neither did I—until about 2 minutes ago. My 15-year-old cousin was Zoom chatting…
“If even ONE student in my ENTIRE school gets sick with the coronavirus, they’re going to call off school for…
If you are a non-black American, you probably (hopefully?) found a couple of moments during February to talk with…
Sending your kids off to college is a big parenting rite of passage; it can also be terrifying. Suddenly, instead of…
If you already don’t want to talk to your kids about sex, then it’s probably a safe bet that you really don’t want…
As a recently out gay woman, I was a little unsure at first about how to talk with my kids about LGBTQ+ topics. But,…
In the history of parenting, there might be nothing more dreaded than The Sex Talk. Masturbation, nocturnal…
Despite how common miscarriage is, those who go through it often find it to be a painfully isolating experience. It…
The main thing that’s keeping me from allowing my eight-year-old son to join all his friends on popular online…
When Sonia Smith-Kang moved to California in the 1980s, it was at “the height of The Valley Girl,” she says. All…
The thinking tends to be that racists raise racists. Therefore, if you see yourself as a good person, raising your…
As a parent, the idea that my kid—or any kid I know—could be thinking about suicide is one I’d like to push far, far…
Do we want to talk to our kids about sex? No.
This week, we’ve read story after wrenching story of sexual assault. We’ve heard the old excuse “boys will be boys.”…
I wish we lived in a country where we didn’t have to have regular talks with our kids about totally preventable gun…
When my wife and I decided to become parents together, I was prepared to discuss our family with adults. As a queer…