12 Unexpected Ways to Use Bubble Wrap Around the House

12 Unexpected Ways to Use Bubble Wrap Around the House

Bubble wrap can do more than help you move (if you don't pop all the bubbles for fun).

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Photo: DyrElena (Shutterstock)

Bubble wrap is the best. It can obviously help you move to a new place without breaking stuff, and of course it’s fun to play with. But it can also do so much more than you might think. Put it in the category of things like vodka, hair conditioner, dryer sheets, and nail polish remover, which all have one stated purpose but a ton of off-label uses around the house. If you have a bunch of bubble wrap after the holidays, consider saving it for some of the following uses.

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Insulating your windows

Insulating your windows

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Photo: Alexey Stiop (Shutterstock)

Stuff cracks in your window frame with bubble wrap to seal in warm air in the winter, which can lower your heating costs and save you a little money on home repairs. It’s obviously temporary and not the perfect solution, but it works.

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Preventing hanger creases

Preventing hanger creases

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Photo: MarinaTr (Shutterstock)

Tape some bubble wrap around the part of your hangers that holds up your shirts’ shoulders—the extra padding can prevent annoying creases, especially for heavy-but-delicate clothes, like sweaters. For skirts or pants that are held to your hangers using clips, cut small pieces of bubble wrap and stuff them in between the clip and the fabric to prevent creasing there, too.

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Bringing it with you on vacation

Bringing it with you on vacation

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Photo: Maryia_K (Shutterstock)

Use bubble wrap to pack your toiletries (like mini shampoos) on a big trip. You’ll use up the shampoo, but have bubble wrap left over for the return trip — which is perfect for securing any new souvenirs you picked up along the way.

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Cooking with it

Cooking with it

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Photo: Alexey Onegin (Shutterstock)

Bubble wrap is a great insulator for your sous vide tub. Prevent evaporation while you’re cooking by wrapping the tub in bubble wrap. You’ll trap in heat, make better food, and not break the bank on another type of insulation.

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Keeping your groceries warm or cold on the way home

Keeping your groceries warm or cold on the way home

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Photo: Nancy Salmon (Shutterstock)

You’re probably already bringing reusable bags to the supermarket these days, so line them with bubble wrap before heading out. This will help keep any of your cold foods cooler on the return trip and if you pick up anything warm, like a rotisserie chicken, it can keep that toasty, too.

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Keeping your car windows clear

Keeping your car windows clear

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Photo: diy13 (Shutterstock)

When you park overnight, especially in winter, consider using your wipers to hold a piece of bubble wrap to the windshield. You’ll keep it free of debris, but also stop any frost from forming on the glass, which will get you on your way safer and faster the next morning. Best of all, no one is going to steal it like they might a fancier anti-frost tool; it’s just bubble wrap.

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Keeping frost off your plants, too

Keeping frost off your plants, too

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Photo: R. Knapp (Shutterstock)

If the forecast is looking a little icy, don’t forget your plants when you’re prepping outside your home. You can cover the poor things with bubble wrap before you turn in for the night to help protect them from the nighttime frost and wind.

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Lining your refrigerator drawers

Lining your refrigerator drawers

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Photo: Andrey_Popov (Shutterstock)

Line the drawers of your fridge with bubble wrap to keep fruit from banging around and getting bruised when you open them. As a bonus, it can help you easily clean up any oozes or spills—just pull out the bubble wrap and throw it away. (We all try, but it’s hard to eat all those leafy greens and you know how gross they get when they’ve been in the fridge too long.)

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Stuffing your boots and bags to keep their shape

Stuffing your boots and bags to keep their shape

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Photo: luanateutzi (Shutterstock)

When you’re not wearing your boots or using your nice handbags, they’re just sitting in the closet, slowly collapsing in on themselves. Stuff them with bubble wrap to help them keep their shape so they look perfect next time you need them.

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Stopping toilet condensation

Stopping toilet condensation

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Photo: Jo Panuwat D (Shutterstock)

Per Bob Vila, you can use bubble wrap to stop your toilet tank from getting mysteriously wet when temps go up and down. Empty your tank, wipe it dry, and use silicone sealant to attach bubble wrap to the inside before refilling it. Now your toilet won’t be all gross when you sit down.

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Keeping your dishes safe, even in a display cabinet

Keeping your dishes safe, even in a display cabinet

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Photo: theshots.co (Shutterstock)

Add a layer of bubble wrap between your nice dishes and plates so they don’t scratch each other when they’re not in use. If you trim the edges, it won’t be visible when they’re stacked, so even if you have them displayed, no one will know. You know what is visible? Scratches.

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Wrapping your shovel and winter tools

Wrapping your shovel and winter tools

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Photo: Ika Larsson (Shutterstock)

Tape a layer or two of bubble wrap around the handle of your shovel, broom, trowel—whatever. Any tool you have to use for a long time might run the risk of blistering or roughing up your hand, especially in the colder months. A little bubble wrap can help save you.
