Who doesn’t love a superset? Pairing two exercises saves time in your main workout, provided the routine allows. And if you’d like to do a quick bit of extra work at the end of the day, a superset is an efficient way to fit it in. So let’s look at a few perfect pairings you can add to your next workout.
But first, a little background: To do a superset, you simply do a set of the first exercise, then, while those muscles are resting, you do a set of the second exercise. You can take a brief break before repeating the pair, if needed. Repeat for the desired number of sets. Most of the supersets in this list are ones that would work well as a finisher, providing a little extra volume at the end of your workout. Try three sets of each exercise for 8-12 reps.
By the way, I’m only including things on this list that are easy to set up together, because nobody wants to run back and forth between the cable machine and the squat rack. I’m also mainly sticking to true supersets that use opposing muscles (like pairing a push with a pull), while throwing in a few pairings that work well together even if they don’t fit the classic definition.