Experts say that the best way to get better at fighting people is to fight a lot of people, but that’s not a lifestyle I aspire to. While I like the idea of besting my enemies through combat, I’m less keen on the “getting punched in the mouth” part of the deal. So I turned to virtual reality.
Based on 1995 film Virtual Combat, fighting in the virtual reality underground is fierce and competitive, with evil AI desperate to enter human reality. Ready for a fight (as long as it’s fake), I jacked into the mainframe to confront the cyber-villains of these 11 VR combat games.
Did any of these games turn me into a modern Don “The Dragon” Wilson, who plays troubled hero David Quarry in Virtual Combat? Well, no. Of course not. But I had fun, and learned a few skills that could apply to real life fighting, maybe. A little.